I am so amazed with the children at Haley's House and just their love for the people of Cambodia. On Saturday morning we were able to go with them to a little village just outside of Phnom Penh. We gathered some kids from the area and told them about God and sang songs. Then we went and passed out little tracks and shared the gospel with people in the area. I was reminded of the verses in the bible that talk about childlike faith. Mark 10:15 says "Truly, I say to you, whoeve

r does not receive the kingdom of God like a child shall not enter it." We must have childlike faith to enter the kingdom of God. These children had no fear, they were not worried about what people would say or if they would be rejected they just know, truly know, who Jesus is! To these children God IS their Father. There earthly parents are not a part of their lives either due to death or illness or lack of resources to care for them. The care givers at the orphanage do their best to be mothers and fathers but the children can only feel the true fatherly love from God. As we were riding in the van (packed with 24 children... true Cambodian style) they sang songs and some of them were singing at the top of their lungs. They are so in love with Jesus that nothing holds them back nothing can stop them from giving their all to HIM!
Do I do that?... What a challenge! Do I look at God as an amazing Daddy? Though I am not in the same situation as these children (I have very loving parents, Love you mom and dad!) I still need to know that God is the ultimate, in control Father of my life!
This weekend, Sunday the 24th, was my birthday and I had the best birthday! It was so much fun to be able to celebrate with my friends here in Cambodia. My teammates decided to throw a surprise party for me. They had banners and balloons, pizza and cake.
I realized how blessed I am to have a loving family and loving friends who care so deeply for me. So I pray that, to the children I have been working with here, they sense the depth of my love, care and concern for them. That through me they can sense the love of Jesus and their Heavenly Father! What a challenge, what a joy!
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