"So keep up your courage... for I have faith in God that it will happen just as He told me." Acts 27:25
I will be leaving for Cambodia in a little less than 12 days. (Actually that's to CA but it's connected to my trip!) And I don't have all the funds necessary... and for me (the planner) it is extremely stressful and faith-testing. I would say that I am normally a pretty calm person but in some things, like this, I sometimes just want to scream! AHHHH!! There that feels much better :) So through prayer and fasting this week (even though it’s only Tuesday) I am already starting to feel a much greater peace. I found this verse, Acts 27:25, and it just reminded me of the fact that God will provide because I have faith in God and it will happen just as He said it will! He wants me to go to Cambodia and He lined everything up so it will work out! Believe me when I say that this is absolutely the hardest thing to not only say but TRULY believe! Thank you all for your constant love and support! If you would like to support my mission’s trip to Cambodia you can go to www.teachoverseas.org/contribute and put my name, Carin Hinman in the box for supporting a teacher.
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