"Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil; Cling to what is good. Be devoted to one another in love. Honor one another above yourselves." Romans 12:9 &10
This is such a good verse! I have just been in California for only a few days now and training has been incredible... We have not had a single moment of rest... honest! I'm tired yet excited and stressed yet relieved.. complete opposites I know! The one thing I can say is that this verse spoke so clearly to me... Not only will I (in about 4 days) be in CAMBODIA teaching children in a new culture I will also have to be able to stay connected to my teammates. In all of these things I am praying that God would make this verse true! That when I'm with the students at school I would have sincere love. That when I'm with my teammates I would cling to what is good! And that in all things I would honor others above myself! It has been an incredible week (and its only Wednesday!) I'm finally able to feel excited about my trip to Cambodia and feel like I'm so excited I could jump up and down just knowing more about what we'll be doing and experiencing (Vanessa, that was for you! <3) Thank you all for your prayers!